
This classroom has ages 0-12 months. There are several developmental milestones each infant will have. For example, tummy time, rolling over, sitting up, crawling and eventually to walking.

There are so much more your infant will discover as they learn and grow with the intentional education from our teachers.

Tots 1 has 12-18 months and Tots 2 has 18-24 months. Tots 1 really focuses on eating with utensils, baby sign language, introducing a structured circle time and working on their balance as they walk. Tots 2 focuses on mastering their skills they were introduced to in Tots 1.

Having more structure throughout the day, using words to express themselves and enjoying more activities with the curriculum.

This classroom has two year olds. An extremely active class. Our goal is to make the curriculum come alive and show through actions how they can share and use kind words to their friends.

Throughout this year in your child’s life the developmental milestones sometimes happen daily. Each child is very unique and changes every day. Our teachers thrive in creating an existing space for them to learn and grow at the child’s pace.

This classroom has 3-4 year olds. By this point each child has developed their own personality and is continually changing. There are several more structured activities that engage their cognitive skills, fine motor skills and self help skills.

Each week the curriculum clearly lays out the academic goals and also a very applicable bible story for the class to learn about. We mix in several art projects, several physical activities and opportunities to exercise their imagination.

These are the Pre-K kids, ages 4-5.

Our goal is to prepare them for the academic and emotional changes that will take place in Kindergarten. We hope to help them improve their skills and tell them how special they are to God.

These are 5 and older kids. Our desire is to teach them the importance of being honest and true to who God made you to be.

We create specific times for homework and has an emphasis on following through with what has been asked of you. We allow ample time for creativity and fun so that they are always being active in someway.



This classroom has ages 0-12 months. There are several developmental milestones each infant will have. For example, tummy time, rolling over, sitting up, crawling and eventually to walking. There are so much more your infant will discover as they learn and grow with the intentional education from our teachers.


This classroom has ages 0-12 months. There are several developmental milestones each infant will have. For example, tummy time, rolling over, sitting up, crawling and eventually to walking. There are so much more your infant will discover as they learn and grow with the intentional education from our teachers.


The Infant room is divided into two sections. One section is for young babies 0-6 months who have not learned to crawl. The other sections if for babies 6-12 months who are just learning to explore their surrounds on their own.


Question: What is the ratio in the Infant Room?

Answer: It is 1 Teacher to 4 Infants.

Question: How often are sleep checks performed?

Answer: Following licensing guidelines, we check every 10 minutes.

Question: Does my child get tummy time?

Answer: Yes! It is so important for proper muscle development.

Question: I’m Pregnant, how do I secure a spot for my child?

Answer: You can pay the first four in advance to secure your spot.

Tots 1 & 2


Wow! Your baby is one whole year old now and we have the joy of teaching them how take steady steps and many other wonderful milestones over the next year. This age is exciting but also challenging because your kiddo is just now learning how to express what they want and how they feel. It is our job to interpret it and help them communicate with their words.


1-year-olds have the joy of learning through art projects, sensory items, and sharing toys with friends.

They are getting used to their sea legs and will want to do more and more things on their own. Our teachers will document their milestones and make sure to share those exciting moments through the Procare app.


1-year-olds are learning to use fine motor skills as they use utensils to eat and play with small sensory items. They start following simple directions and find joy in completing a small task with their teacher.

1-year-olds will start understanding what cause and affect means. They are moving past the babble stage into using words that match their emotion and the object they are wanting. They will start to identify their body parts, for example eyes, ears, nose and mouth.

Milestones happen at different times for each child. Our teachers use activities help them reach their developmental goals.


Question: Why does my child bite?

Answer: Your child may be biting because they do not have a full vocabulary or need relief from their new teeth coming in. Biting can be corrected…

Question: Why doesn’t my 1-Year-Old talk?

Answer: All children find their words when they’re ready and comfortable expressing themselves.



The Toddler room is full of energy and the ability to experience new things. Two main goals of the Toddler room are to focus on self-help skills and building independence.


Your child is growing up fast! In a toddler’s world independence gives them empowerment to explore their world. Our daily curriculum creates activities for each toddler to exercise their independence.

Examples: Learning to identify colors, shapes, and numbers. Recognizing letters. Creating art projects.


As your toddler grows, it is important for them to learn self-help skills. We provide several opportunities for them to practice these skills. Putting on their own shoes, their own jacket, using a cup or utensils, and going to the bathroom are all ways to help your toddler develop.


Toddlers are unpredictable but the key is consistency!

Repetition is the best way to help a toddler learn something new. Always be prepared with several changes of clothes and let go of all expectations! Your toddler may surprise you and catch on right away!

Our teachers work alongside your family in the journey of potty training.


Question: What is the ratio in the Toddler Room?

Answer: 1 Teacher to 5 Toddlers

Question: How often do the toddlers go outside?

Answer: As often as they can! Weather permitting

Question: Does my toddler have to nap?

Answer: Yes, It is your toddler’s reset button.

Question: Do we potty train?

Answer: Yes! Our teachers are potty training ninjas!

Little Tikes


Welcome to Little Tikes! This class is made up of 3 & 4 year olds. You have survived the terrible twos and now into this magical land where your child starts listening to you! This season for your preschooler is very exciting because of so many opportunities to have their imagination run wild. Here are some fun milestones they will achieve in this time:

  • Being able to recall letters, shapes, numbers and letters

  • speak 250-500 words

  • Speak clearly, although they may not be fully comprehensible

  • Tell stories

  • Answer simple questions


Preschool is a focused time each morning for your child to develop new skills. Circle time is packed with fun new letters, shapes, colors and numbers!

Each week we share a Bible story that captivates their attention. Our fine motor activities will grow their focus and attention to detail skills. The main goal is to have them ready for Pre-K!


We strive to include projects that use all Five senses! Our art projects will have different sensory items for them to touch and glue onto paper. Each season we aim to have fun activities that focus on that season! Here are some of their favorites:

  • Winter: Climbing the snow mountain

  • Spring: Walking in our rain boots

  • Summer: Lots of water play

  • Autumn: Pumpkin patch and nature walks

All projects are hands-on. Each child learns differently and we strive to provide a conducive learning environment for all children!


Question: Does my child have to nap?

Answer: Yes, it is your Preschoolers’ reset button.

Question: What does Christian principals mean?

Answer: Our main goal is that they know they are loved by Jesus and very special.

Question: How often do they have free play?

Answer: There is a balanced amount of free play and learning!

Question: Do you potty train?

Answer: No! The 3 year old class is all potty trained!



The main goal of the Pre-K class is to have them prepared as possible Kindergarten. The skills they learned in little tikes is a spring board into a more challenging and learning time in Pre-k. Each child will specifically work on

  • Development in social skills

  • Communication skills

  • Solving problems peaceably

They also will be introduced to more focused activities on letters and numbers. Our main goal is to create opportunities that will keep their development on track for kindergarten.


Pre-K is an exciting time because they are introduced to several new things. large and small groups help develop their emotion and social skills with their friends. There will be repetition to develop their oral and listening skills.

The class will be introduced to mathematical reasoning skills, writing skills, literacy skills and artistic skills. This class is breaking down each skill to help them feel more capable and confident!


The activities are the fun part! They get the opportunity to work their skills. For example:

  • Matching games

  • Art projects to develop sensory skills

  • Song memorization is a key tool in development

  • Exercise to help small muscle coordination

  • Guest speakers to help us with health and safety

  • Seasonal activities


We give our Pre-K assessment every spring for each child. It is a time for the teacher to be 1 on 1 and let the child practice their skills. It reveals what they have grasped fully and what areas they still need to work on.

After the assessment there will be parent-teacher conference to go over how their child is doing! The best part about our Pre-K program is that we want the child and parent(s) ready for Kindergarten!


Question: Can my Preschooler still nap?

Answer: At first yes, but starting every January they start staying awake to get ready for Kindergarten.

Question: What time and days are preschool?

Answer: M-Th and 8:45-11:15

Question: Is there show-and-tell?

Answer: Yes! Once a week

Question: Do they go outside?

Answer: Yes! Daily unless it’s too cold. Brrr.

Hi-Line Jr’s


This class is made up of Kindergarten through sixth grade. We have a lot of together. Whether it’s during the school year in our before/after school program or during our Best Summer Yet program.

After School

Each day after school we enjoy eating snack, playing games, getting outside, and getting some homework done!


Our Summer program is simply the best. Our curriculum is filled with engaging teaching. We also believe outside is > inside. Here is a short list of activities we like to do.

  • Go to the Pool

  • Learn Bible stories

  • Exercise

  • Field Trips

  • Reading Program

Group Games & More!

We believe having fun and playing games is important for learning. One of our favorite group games is dodge ball!


Question: Do you take field trips?

Answer: Yes! Our Summer Program takes us to several places. Local farms, museums, the fire station, and more.

Question: Can my child come during snow days or no school days?

Answer: Of course! Snow days are super fun and relaxing

Question: Will my child be learning in the Summer program?

Answer: Yes! Our Summer program curriculum is filled with math, science, language, Bible stories and more.

Come say hello and meet your teachers!